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New Submission List Enhancements

Indio Submission list now has new capabilities to simplify access to work in progress for your data collection submissions.

Written by Sadiqur Sakib
Updated over a month ago

These features have been added to the Submissions List:

  • Overflow menu is available for each submission -- There is no need to go to a Submission page. You can click on the 3 dots to access the overflow menu for the specific Submission from the Submission Lists.

  • "Mark a Submission as Complete" replaces "Move to Recently Completed"

    • A Submission is automatically completed 30 days after the Effective Date

    • This list now only shows Active Submissions. Completed submissions appear on Submissions Overview for an Account, not on this page (see next screenshot below).

  • Access & Visibility Status for each submission can be edited from this page

  • Filter the list on Opportunity Type, Account Type, Region, or Data Collection step

  • Last Activity Date for a submission shows the last activity by a client

  • Data Collection has a different color for each step.

    • Data Collection is "Completed" when your client has submitted all the requests for a submission (using the Client Portal)

New: Agent's landing page is the Submissions List (previously was the Accounts List)

After logging in to Indio, an agent lands on the Submissions List (rather than the Accounts List). Of course, the Accounts List is still available in the header bar at the top of each page.

The Agent's landing page is set under Admin, Agency Settings. This defaults to the Submissions List but can be changed back to the Accounts List. To learn more, check out this article: Brokerage Profile for Admins.

New: Submissions Overview for an Account is in the same format as Submissions List

  • Submissions are listed by status: Active, Completed, or Archived

    • A Submission is automatically completed 30 days after the Effective Date

    • Use "Mark a Submission as Complete" to manually set a submission as completed

  • To renew a submission, it must be marked as completed. Active submissions do NOT have a renew option.

  • Overflow menu provides the necessary options based on the Submission Status.

  • Access & Visibility Status for each submission can be edited from this page

  • Data Collection step is "Completed" when your client has submitted all the requests for a submission (using the Client Portal).

New: Submission Details page shows submission status and data collection step

  • Submission Status appears under the Submission Title

    • A Submission is automatically completed 30 days after the Effective Date

    • Use "Mark a Submission as Complete" to manually set a submission as completed

  • Data Collection step appears under the Data Collection tab

    • Data Collection step is "Completed" when your client has submitted all the requests for a submission (using the Client Portal)

  • Access & Visibility Status appears under the Data Collection tab, too.

  • To renew a submission, it must be marked as completed. Active submissions do NOT have a renew option.

To learn more, check out this article: Submissions List.

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