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How To Use E-Signature

Schedule reminders, find your documents, and edit and track signatures.

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Written by Indio Communications
Updated over 2 months ago

What is it?

Allows the agent to upload PDF document(s) into the Indio portal, insert customized signature fields, and provide to the insured/client so they can electronically sign their documents.

Benefits of the feature:

Indio provides an E-signature function to make it easier for you to remind signers of pending E-signature requests, locate and review your signed documents, edit your E-signature settings, and track when your documents were signed.

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How to use the feature:

There are two ways to create a new e-signature request.

A. To associate a new e-signature request with a specific submission, on the Submissions Detail page click on the "+ Add" button for E-signature Requests.

B. To create an e-signature request that is not associated with a submission, click "E-signatures" in the left navigation menu and then click on the "+ New" button.

Next, either drag/drop the PDF from your desktop OR click "browse" to search through your local or shared drive:

Once the document(s) are uploaded, select the people who will be signing the document:

Within the Document Editor, add the different types of fields (Signature, Date, etc.) into the document as necessary. Click on a type of field in the left column and drag-and-drop the field into the document page on the right.

When an e-signature request is associated with a submission then there are no options for Signature Request Expiration and Send Email Reminders to Signees. These options are determined by the submission request.

If an e-signature is not associated with a submission then you can enter an expiration date and an e-mail reminders options.

  • Signature Request Expiration: Set an expiration date for the E-Signature document(s) as necessary.

  • Send Email Reminders to Signees: Depending on your preference, you can select the frequency of when Indio would send email reminders to the signees. Once the document has expired, the signers will no longer receive email reminders. By spacing these reminders out, you can stay engaged with your clients about pending e-signatures requirements without being too intrusive or annoying.

Once the E-Signature draft is complete, you can then select the following options on how to send the E-Signature request to the client as follows:

  1. By Email and in the Indio portal - sends the E-Signature request via email and keeps the E-Signature document(s) available within the portal

  2. Only in the Indio portal - keeps the E-Signature document(s) within the portal. *Note: This option is commonly used if you want to continue working in other parts of the portal before sending it to the client.

Feel free to provide the E-Signature request a name and include an optional message for the signers to give them context.

Viewing E-Signature Requests

E-Signature requests associated with a submission appear on the Submissions Detail page.

E-Signature requests also appear E-Signatures tab. This tab shows requests associated with a submission and requests that are not associated with a submission.

Editing Expiration and Reminders Outside of the Draft:

For an e-signature that is not associated with a submission, click on the three dots at the right of the E-Signature document to edit the expiration date and reminders of E-Signature draft:

What happens after both parties have signed the E-Signature document?

Indio will store all completed E-signature documents in your client’s Documents tab, making it easier to view and manage completed documents.

To see the audit trail of signature activity for a document, click on the document title to open the document and scroll down to the bottom of the document.

*Note: The Audit Trail at the end of the signed/completed document report displays each action (i.e. SIgner Viewed, Signer Signed, etc.) in the signer’s time zone, making it easier for you and your clients to determine the actual times an e-signature request or response was sent, received, and signed.

Still have questions? Please reach out to your insurance agent if you need further assistance with filling out your insurance applications or navigating within the platform.

Note: The Indio Technologies platform is most optimized on browsers such as Google Chrome or Firefox. If you use Internet Explorer there may be limited functionality as a result.

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