Access Groups have been added to provide more options for controlling permissions given to client contact users.
Full Access: Client Contact has access to all forms, schedules, and documents for a submission.
Limited Access: Client Contact only has access and editing rights to forms, schedules, and documents that are explicitly shared with the user. There are additional options that can be added to an individual client contact that allow them to sign and submit assigned forms, submit assigned schedule workbooks, and access all documents in the documents tab.
View Only Access: Client Contact only has access to forms, schedules, and documents that are explicitly shared with the user, but no editing rights. A client contact assigned to this group may view the information, but will not be able to make any edits. There are additional options that can be added to an individual client contact that allow them to sign and submit assigned forms, submit assigned schedule workbooks, and access all documents in the documents tab.
Below are screenshot examples of the permission options available for each access group. Under the Access Group selection is a list of the base permissions included with the group, plus a section to provide additional permissions.
Client contacts that can access the documents tab will have the ability to view and download any document for the account. Those users without access to the documents tab will still be able to access the individual documents they uploaded within a submission.
Full Access Group
Access to all submissions for the account
Editing rights to all items in a submission
Access to the documents tab
Can create limited access contacts
Can assign contacts to items in a submission
Ability to submit schedule workbooks
Ability to sign schedules
Ability to sign schedules
Ability to sign and submit forms
Ability to leave comments
Limited Access Group
Base Permissions:
Ability to sign schedules
Access to assigned items in a submission
Editing rights to assigned items in a submission
Ability to review assigned schedule workbook items
Ability to leave comments
Optional Permissions:
Submit assigned schedule workbooks
Sign and submit assigned forms
Sign and submit assigned forms
Access to the documents tab
View Only Access Group
Base Permissions:
Ability to sign schedules
Access to assigned requests in a submission
No editing rights to assigned items in a submission
Ability to review assigned schedule workbook items
Ability to leave comments
Optional Permissions:
Submit assigned schedule workbooks
Sign and submit assigned forms
Sigh and submit assigned forms
Access to the documents tab
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