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Microsoft Exchange/Outlook Changes [Non-Service Account]

TIME SENSITIVE - Effective October 1st, all Indio Outlook/Exchange integrations are required to reauthenticate to continue functioning.

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Written by Indio Communications
Updated over 2 years ago

Notice for all email integration users: Effective October 1st, all Indio Outlook/Exchange integrations are required to reauthenticate to continue functioning; see instructions below. This is a result of Microsoft’s deprecation of basic authentication. If you do not reauthenticate, your emails through Indio will no longer come from your email address.

NOTE: This will not affect personal accounts such as Gmail or Outlook.

If your agency uses Service Level Email, your Agency Admin will authenticate your email integration. Click here for instructions.

Indio Email Integration for Individual Broker

STEP 1: Disable Current Indio Email Integration

  1. Login into Indio>My Profile & Settings>Account Settings

  2. Under Email Integration, select Remove Email Integration

  3. A pop-up will appear asking if you are sure you want to remove email integration

  4. Select Remove.

STEP 2: Add New Authorization Indio Email Integration [Non-Service Accounts]

In Account Settings>Email Integration, select Add Email Integration

  1. On the ‘Choose a Provider’ screen, select Office 365 or Exchange tile.

    1. If you are unsure which tile to select, we recommend starting with Office 365 and working left to right. If those options don’t work, please get in touch with Indio support at, or initiate a chat within Indio.

    2. If you are configured to use an IDP/SSO provider, Microsoft will redirect you to enter your IDP/SSO credentials.

  2. Once the integration is enabled, you will be directed back to the Indio>Account Setting screen.

Still have questions? Feel free to chat with our Support Team! The chat feature is located in the bottom, right-hand corner of the platform or email at

Note: The Indio Technologies platform is most optimized on the browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. If you use Internet Explorer (IE) 10 or less, there may be limited functionality as a result. Internet Explorer (IE) 10 will reach end of support on January 31, 2020.

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