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Agents can Customize Disclaimers
Indio Communications avatar
Written by Indio Communications
Updated over 2 months ago

What is it?

Global Organizations usually have multiple disclaimers based on branch, location or based on the situation and having one agency level disclaimer does not fit all. Agents need the flexibility to customize their own disclaimers in the email signature.

How the feature works (Admin):

In the Agency Settings, admin users can add a agency wide email disclaimer. Once set up, this email disclaimer is available for selection to all the agents to include in their Email Signature under My Profile & Settings.

How the feature works (Agent):

Agents can add a disclaimer when the agency wide disclaimer is not defined or edit the existing agency disclaimer to include in their email signature. Agents can customize disclaimers from two places:

1. In their My profile & settings > Email Signature tab

2. In the Send Submission to Client window when sending a submission to client with an option to save the edits to their user profile.

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