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Form Templates
Written by Abhishek Jain
Updated over a week ago

What is it?

Form Templates revolutionizes the form customization process by allowing administrators to create templated configurations for forms. These templates are customizable and reusable, eliminating the need for repetitive configurations for each client. Administrators can now build a library of standardized forms that can be shared with agents, simplifying the data collection process from clients. This means administrators no longer have to configure forms from scratch for every client, saving significant time and reducing the potential for errors when revising or configuring fields. Form templates also promote form standardization within an agency, ensuring consistency across agents and clients. These templates can include attributes such as hidden sections, hidden fields, required fields, and agent comments.

Key Benefits for Insurance Agency Admins:

  1. Effortless Form Creation: Admins can create, update, and delete form templates with ease, empowering them to swiftly adapt to evolving requirements.

  2. Enhanced Visibility and Control: Admins can review and revise all form templates for a specific form version, ensuring consistency and standardization across the agency.

  3. Tailored Templates for Different Industries: Admins can create multiple form templates of the same parent form (e.g., ACORD 160) to cater to different industries, accommodating diverse client needs.

  4. Agent Customization and Client Collaboration: Agents can select a form template, customize it, and send it to clients for data collection. Agents have the flexibility to unhide fields or mark them as required, offering a personalized experience for clients.

  5. Simplified Form Management: Admins can easily publish or unpublish form templates, controlling their availability to agents within the agency.

  6. Seamless Integration: Form templates seamlessly integrate with the agency's default verification settings, ensuring compliance and data accuracy.

  7. Preserve Data Consistency: Edits made to a form template do not affect any instances of that template used in submissions, allowing admins to make changes without disrupting ongoing processes.

How It Works:

1. Create a new Form Template

Go to admin tab → Form Templates → Click on “ + New Template”

2. Configure form template

Form template can be configured in 3 easy steps:

  1. Select Parent form to use as a base for your form template Once a parent form is selected, click next which will take admin to the next step of Setting up template

2. Set Up template by

  • Hide Section to client

  • Hide Field to client

  • Mark a field as required

  • Adding a comment for the insured

  • Turning verification on/off

3. Save template

  • Add template name by appending to the parent form name (parent form name cannot be edited)

  • Add Template description (optional)

  • Publish the form to all agents within your agency or save as draft

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