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Renewal Report

Data analytics for managing how long it takes to process submissions in Indio

Indio Communications avatar
Written by Indio Communications
Updated over 5 months ago

The Renewal Report provides analytics for managing how agents use Indio for renewals. This can be used to track the average time to process renewals in Indio. It can also be used to track time for non-renewals ("new business" in Indio) and lead capture submissions.

This report is available for Admins, like Agent Reports and Client Reports. This is also available for Managers (or Standard users with Regional Accounts permissions) so they can track how Indio is being used for renewals in their region(s).

  • Renewal Days by Month chart: shows the average number of days for processing a submission in Indio. This is split between time for agent preparation and client data collection.

    • Agent preparation starts when a submission is created or renewed. Agent preparation ends when a submission is sent to a client OR the client portal link is copied.

    • Client data collection starts when a submission is sent to a client OR the client portal link is copied. Client data collection ends when a submission is data collection complete-- when all of the requests have been completed.

Navigate to this page by selecting Renewal Report from the Reports menu.

Data Table

For each chart, the data tables on the right show the list of submissions included in the chart on the left. Use the Download data option for the data table to download the submissions list to an Excel spreadsheet, CSV file, or other file format.

Note that the data download option for a chart only includes the variables on the x-axis and y-axis that appear in the chart. To download the list of submissions, use the download data option for a data table to the right of the chart.

Use the View, Expanded option to see an expanded view of the data table.

Here is how the downloaded data appears in a spreadsheet.

You can use pivot tables to answer various questions about how long it takes to process submissions. For example, you might have a question like, "Does the number of days to process a renewal differ based on the frequency of smart reminders?"

Filtering Options

The data shown on this report can be filtered as follows:

  • Region: Select one or more regions to show submissions only for accounts in those regions. Admin users can select from the full list of regions for the agency. Managers can select from a list of only the regions to which they have access.

  • Agent: Select an option to see submissions for only active agents, for only deactivated agents, or for all agents regardless of status. By default, "active or deactivated" is selected so submissions data appears for all agents.

  • Agent Names: One or more agents

  • Created Date: Based on the date when a submission was created in Indio

  • Due Date: Based on the due date entered for a submission in Indio

  • Effective Date: Based on the effective date of the new policy

  • Submission Completed Month: Select a range of months for showing submissions based on the month in which a submission was completed. By default, this asks for submissions created in the last number of months. However, there are other options for selecting a range of date periods.

  • Business Type: CL = Commercial, PL = Personal Lines, BE = Benefits

  • Submission Workflow Type: Renewal, Not Renewal (new business or first time using Indio), Lead Capture

  • State

  • LOB code(s) entered for the submission in Indio

  • SIC code

  • Smart Reminders Frequency for a submission: High, Medium, Low, None (smart reminders disabled for a submission),

After changing any of the filter options, click the circular update button (on the right of the filter options) to refresh the charts with current data based on the options entered.

Drilldown Options

To see the details for any one month, click on the month name (the x-axis label) and then choose the View Data For <YYYY-MM> option.

You can also click on a bar in the chart and select "Show All <###>" to see the same details.

The drilldown option for a month displays the following data table:


The reports currently support these languages:

  • English (United States)

  • English (Canada)

  • French (Canada)

The Change Language option for a user determines the language used for the reports.

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Note: The Indio Technologies platform is most optimized on the browsers such as Google Chrome or Firefox. If you use Internet Explorer there may be limited functionality as a result.

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