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Read about our latest updates to the Indio product

Chet Amborn avatar
Written by Chet Amborn
Updated over a week ago

April 19, 2024

Release Notes for Indio have moved as of April 19, 2024 to the following URLs based on supported languages:

If you are having trouble accessing the Release Notes (links above) feel free to chat with our support team using the chat feature located in the bottom right-hand corner of the platform or email support@appliedsystems.com.

April 9, 2024

Bugs and Minor Enhancements

  • Corrected a bug so adding a schedule to a completed workbook now correctly changes the status of the submission back to Client in Progress (ATX-4024).

  • When a client contact clicks on a link to the Client portal, the user may be directed to a specific request. If the link does not indicate a specific request, then the user is directed to the Requests page. However, if there are no forms, schedules, or document requests assigned to the user then the Requests page is blank. The user may not realize they have requests for documents to e-sign on the E-signatures page. To address this issue, a user now will automatically be directed to the E-signatures page if there are no requests on the Requests page (ATX-4048).

  • Corrected a bug so now when an insured marks a schedule as reviewed but doesn't make any changes the submission will now correctly change to Completed status if other parts of the submission are complete (ATX-3998).

March 25, 2024

View or download a list of submissions for a Submission Report

The charts for Submissions by Assigned Agent and Submissions by Region are now accompanied by a data table with a list of submissions included in the chart. You can view the data table on screen or download the data table to a file.

To learn more, check out this article: Submission Dashboard Charts

January 16, 2024

Save time by sending an e-signature
request on behalf of another assigned agent

Previously, when an agent helped an assigned agent prep an E-signature, Indio would send the request to the client from the agent’s email who initiated the E-signature rather than from the email of the assigned agent who normally sends the E-signature to the client. This often led to confusion for the client when the E-signature came from a different person. As a workaround, agents would have to ask the assigned agent to send out the E-signature on their own.

Allowing agents to send E-signature requests on behalf of an assigned agent now saves time and prevents confusion on the client side.

December 13, 2023

Form Templates: Simplifying Form Customization for Insurance Agencies

Form Templates allow administrators to create templated configurations for forms. These templates are customizable and reusable, eliminating the need for repetitive configurations for each client, and can be shared with agents, simplifying the data collection process from clients. This means administrators no longer have to configure forms from scratch for every client, saving significant time and reducing the potential for errors when revising or configuring fields.

Key Benefits for Insurance Agency Admins:

  1. Effortless Form Creation: Admins can create, update, and delete form templates with ease, empowering them to swiftly adapt to evolving requirements.

  2. Enhanced Visibility and Control: Admins can review and revise all form templates for a specific form version, ensuring consistency and standardization across the agency.

  3. Tailored Templates for Different Industries: Admins can create multiple form templates of the same parent form (e.g., ACORD 160) to cater to different industries, accommodating diverse client needs.

  4. Agent Customization and Client Collaboration: Agents can select a form template, customize it, and send it to clients for data collection. Agents have the flexibility to unhide fields or mark them as required, offering a personalized experience for clients.

  5. Simplified Form Management: Admins can easily publish or unpublish form templates, controlling their availability to agents within the agency.

  6. Seamless Integration: Form templates seamlessly integrate with the agency's default verification settings, ensuring compliance and data accuracy.

  7. Preserve Data Consistency: Edits made to a form template do not affect any instances of that template used in submissions, allowing admins to make changes without disrupting ongoing processes.

To learn more, check out this article:

Email History Report

Email History Report is a new tab on the Reports menu. This provides analytics to track the status of the emails triggered in the system. This report provides an audit log on the emails. The Email History Report tab is available for Admins as well as Standard Agents (when provided with the Optional Permission to the Reports).

Note: Email logs in the Email History Report is limited to the emails sent via Mailgun.

Indio Account Type of Benefits

An Account Type option has been added for Benefits. An account in Indio can now be set as Personal, Commercial, or Benefits.

When an account in created in Indio, there is an option to select Benefits as the account type. The Account Type can be changed by selecting an account and then editing the General Info under Manage Account.

In the client portal, client contacts see the Account Type below the account name when selecting an account on login. This also appears when changing which account is being updated.

To learn more, check out these articles:

Bugs and Minor Enhancements

  • On the Active Submissions List, the Last Activity column is included in the downloaded data when using the Export as Excel File option (ATX-3827).

November 20, 2023

Bugs and Minor Enhancements

  • On the Active Submissions List, the Last Activity column is included in the downloaded data when using the Export as Excel File option (ATX-3827).

November 8, 2023

Select Individual Contacts to Import and Export with Epic

Identify differences between Indio and Epic contacts and agents and increased control of which contacts/agents are synced during a manual import or export with Epic.

Indio now displays a comparative badge alongside contacts and agents showing which ones are already up-to-date and which ones may need updating in a sync. Additionally, checkboxes can appear, giving you control over which contacts will be updated in that manual sync. Ultimately, this can reduce the need to update information that was overwritten during a sync but you wanted to be different between Epic and Indio, while still allowing other parts of the sync to happen.

For one example, perhaps on an import to Indio, you don’t want to take any changes from Epic for existing contacts to avoid overwriting data on the Indio contact that you’ve customized. You could still selectively choose to sync other contacts from Epic that are not in Indio to have those imported but leave the existing Indio contacts alone.

To further maintain the integrity of changes in one system that should be preserved, Indio contacts that do not have a corresponding Epic contact will not be overwritten/removed when importing from Epic. Likewise, Epic contacts that do not have a corresponding Indio contact will not be overwritten/removed when exporting from Indio.

The comparative badges will always appear, but the ability to pick individual contacts to sync is a brokerage setting that can be enabled for your brokerage by your support team.

October 9, 2023

New: Send to Market: Bulk Send

We're excited to unveil our new enhancement that enables agents to effortlessly send email marketing submissions to multiple markets at once. With the new "Send to Market bulk send" feature, agents can now reach up to 30 markets in a single attempt, saving time and effort.

But that's not all - we've prioritized privacy. Each market receives the submission discreetly, without the knowledge of others that received it. It's a powerful tool for agents looking to scale their marketing efforts and stay ahead of the competition.

To learn more, check out this article: Send to Market: Bulk Send

New: An Account Activity is now added when a submission is created or renewed.

Bugs + Other Enhancements

  • Submissions List: The Export as Excel File option now downloads the submissions shown based on the filter options selected. (Before this ignored the filter options and downloaded all submissions). (ATX-3167).

  • E-signature on a mobile phone: The Finish and Submit button has moved from the bottom of a page to the header bar at the top of a page. This is to address issues with the submit button occasionally disappearing, particularly on an iPhone and Safari browser (ATX-3735).

September 25, 2023

New: Frequent Client User Support Issues in the Client Portal

A group of enhancements have been made to help reduce the support calls you may receive from Client Contacts using the Client Portal in Indio. The enhancements address these frequently asked questions:

  • Why can't a client user login to the Client Portal?

  • Why can't a client user submit an application form?

  • Why can’t a client contact who has been added by the primary contact sign an application form?

  • Why is the completion percentage for a form not showing 100%?

  • Will the primary contact be notified when a limited access user completes their questions on a form?

  • Why can’t a client user download an application form that shows comments?

  • Indio does not support filling out forms/schedules on a mobile phone.

There are a couple of new Agency Preferences for the Client Portal. These settings must be enabled before some of the enhancements are available to Client Contact users.

To learn more, check out this article: Frequent Client User Support Issues.

Bugs + Other Enhancements

  • When renewing a submission, the current active version of a form is automatically added to the new submission. If a form on a prior year's submission has been replaced by a newer version in the forms library, the newer version of the form is added to the renewal submission (ATX-3746).

September 11, 2023

New: Smart Reminders Enhancements

The new enhanced Smart Reminders Global settings makes it easier to set it up with an option to specify which insured contacts receive reminders (e.g. send a submission to all insured contacts but only have reminders sent to 1 insured contact) and which agents receive a copy of the reminder for records.

Smart Reminders Button to indicate On/Off status:

Indio 2023-08-10 at 8.48.26 AM

Smart Reminders Global Settings:

Send Submission to Client:

Copy Link to Submission:

New: Agent Preview of Client Requests on Submissions Detail page

How can you make sure that the right requests are shared with the right client contacts on a data collection submission when requests are shared with multiple contacts? The new View Contact Access option on the Submissions Detail page allows you to quickly see what a client contact will see in the Client Portal. Select any of the client contacts to filter the requests to show only the schedules, forms and form sections, document requests, and e-signature requests shared with that client contact.

To enable this option, the Contact Access Filter must be On.

To learn more, check out this article: Agent Preview of Client Requests.

New: Submission Reports Enhancements

  • The vertical height of the charts is expanded so that agents or regions with only 1 submission have a mark in the chart above the name.

  • The x-axis labels are truncated to provide more vertical space for the chart. Very long agent names are truncated on the right, and very long region names are truncated on the left.

  • There is a new filter option based on agent status so you can include only active agents and exclude data for deactivated agents. By default, all agents are selected regardless of status.

July 31, 2023

New: Allow Client Primary Contact to manage other contacts

Previously, clients were unable to control or manage who on their side had access to Indio. This often led to the insured reaching out to the agent to request that access be granted to additional users which was creating more work for the agent.

Allowing the client primary contact to add or remove the access of other contacts now helps provide more control over whom on the client side has access and lessens the number of service calls for the agent.

To learn more, check out this article: Allow Client Primary Contact to manage other contacts

July 18, 2023

Bugs + Other Enhancements

  • When an e-signature document is signed, the outline and background color for a radio button field do not appear anymore. This makes it easier to see the form behind the radio buttons (ATX-3647).

  • When an e-signature document is signed, the required field asterisk for a radio button field does not appear when selecting or hovering over the field. This makes it easier to see the form behind the radio buttons (ATX-3648).

June 20, 2023

New: Submission Dashboard Charts

Submission Reports is a new tab on the Reports menu. This provides analytics for managing how an agency uses Indio for data collection submissions. The Submission Reports tab is available for Admins as well as Managers.

The Submissions by Assigned Agent chart shows the number of submissions to which each agent is an assigned agent. The Submissions by Region chart shows the number of submissions by region.

To learn more, check out this article: Submission Dashboard Charts.

New: Show all locations in the payroll schedule, even if they are blank

Previously, when agents imported payroll schedules from Epic into Indio, insureds were not shown which locations had no payroll during the renewal term. This often led to insureds forgetting to add payroll for a location that isn’t listed.

When payroll schedules are imported from Epic, Indio now shows rows for all locations, even if those rows are blank or zero. All locations should have a row for each work comp class code that exists for the client. If any location doesn’t have a value or has zero for any of the existing work comp class codes, show that row with a blank value. This ensures the client is reminded of any locations that may in fact now have payroll.

June 5, 2023

New: Improvements to repeatables UI

Previously, when conditional questions existed inside of the repeatable questions table view, they were not being displayed/shown to the insured. This led to the client not being able to provide complete information for an insurance quote.

Now, when a conditional question exists, and the insured has selected values in a parent field to trigger a conditional child question, the new field is now displayed as a new column next to the parent field. This allows the agent to gather complete data from the client in order to provide an insurance quote.

To learn more, check out this article: Improve Repeatables UI 2.0

May 22, 2023

New: Copy Link to Submission with an option to update the data collection status and to enable smart reminders with a copy link feature

The “Copy Link to Submission” allows you to paste a link to any email from your Outlook, Gmail, or other email service provider along with the option to update the data collection

status as 'Sent to Client' and enable smart reminders for insureds when the link is shared instead of the "Send to Client" feature (more info here).

In order to send the insured a link to a submission so they can log in and complete the required documentation, you can either use the "Send to Client" feature (more info here), you can copy the link to Client Portal when in the submissions overview or can copy the link to a submission when working on a submission and send that in an email from your personal email account (new).

Copy Link to Submission:

Indio 2023-05-12 at 11.01.36 AM

Optionally set Status as 'Sent to Client' when sharing a link to a Submission with insureds:

Indio 2023-05-12 at 11.04.21 AM

Optionally enable smart reminders when sharing a link to a Submission with insureds:

Indio 2023-05-12 at 11.05.07 AM

To learn more about smart reminders, check out this article: Smart Reminders Brokerage Profile for Admins.

Copy Link to Submission from the submissions list:

Indio 2023-05-12 at 11.09.03 AM

Copy Link to Submission from the submissions overview:

To learn more check out this article: How to Copy Link to Submission.

New: Radio button field type for E-signature Templates.

E-signature document templates can include a Yes or No option field for the signer(s) to check. This is for options like accepting or rejecting coverage where only one of the two buttons may be checked.

Currently, the first version of radio buttons is limited to Yes/No questions-- two choices. In the future, this will be enhanced to allow for more choices per radio button.

To learn more, check out this article: How to Use E-signatures.

Bugs + Other Enhancements

  • When an assignee signs an e-signature document, an activity is generated. Now there is also an e-mail sent out to inform the client that someone has signed the document (ATX-3446).

April 24, 2023

New: Agents can Customize Disclaimers

Global Organizations usually have multiple disclaimers based on branch, location or based on the situation, and having one agency-level disclaimer does not fit all. Agents need the flexibility to customize their own disclaimers to include in their email signature. With this new enhancement Agents can customize disclaimers in their user profile settings or even when sending submissions to clients.

Agents/brokers can add a disclaimer when the agency-wide disclaimer is not defined or edit the existing agency disclaimer to include it in their email signature. Agents can customize disclaimers from two places 1. In their My profile & settings > Email Signature or 2. In the Send Submission to Client window when sending a submission to client with an option to save the edits to their user profile.

Indio 2023-04-24 at 9.11.23 AM
Indio 2023-04-24 at 9.12.32 AM
Indio 2023-04-24 at 9.14.18 AM
Indio 2023-04-24 at 9.15.10 AM
Indio 2023-04-24 at 9.15.59 AM

Indio 2023-04-24 at 9.13.26 AM

To learn more, check out this article: Email Signatures for Agents

April 11, 2023

New: Agent Adds Signature Requirement to Schedules

Insurance carriers often require that the insured/client sign a particular schedule in order to provide the agent with a quote. This is particularly true for the Statement Of Value schedule. Indio now allows agents to require that insureds sign schedules within Indio, in turn saving agents and clients time from having to obtain signatures manually outside of Indio.

New: E-signatures for documents has a field type for radio buttons for Yes/No questions.

Many e-signature documents need to include a Yes or No option field for the signer(s) to check. This is for options like accepting or rejecting coverage. Only one of the two buttons may be checked and one button is required to be checked.

Currently, the first version of radio buttons is limited to Yes/No questions-- two choices. In the future, this will be enhanced to allow for more choices per radio button.

To learn more, check out this article: How to Use E-signatures.

March 27, 2023

New: Carry over notification settings when renewing a submission to save time and increase efficiency.

Indio now supports the carryover of notification settings when renewing a submission, notification settings set for agents on a particular submission will now be carried over for renewals. This is a brokerage setting that can be enabled for your brokerage by your support team.

New: Allowing agents to require that insureds sign schedules within Indio saves agents and clients time from having to obtain signatures manually outside of Indio. This feature saves time and increases efficiency.

Indio now supports allowing agents to require that clients e-sign certain schedules.

March 14, 2023

Bugs + Other Enhancements

  • On the Submissions List, the Last Activity column only shows the last activity performed by a client user. It does not show activities completed by an agent (ATX-3395).

  • Submissions with an Effective Date more than 30 days before the current date are automatically updated to a status of "Completed". Completed submissions do not appear on the Submissions List. Completed submissions do appear on the Submission Overview page under "Completed" (ATX-3349).

  • The great state of California will now require (effective January 1, 2023) that insurance agents include their insurance license number on all emails that go out to their clients. The agent's email signatures should include both the individual license number as well as the agency license number. For agents to stay compliant, Indio now provides a placeholder to capture the agency license number in the agency profile page along with the other profile information. Agents can choose to display the agency license number in the email signature along with the other details in all email communications (ATX2-1515).

February 27, 2023

New: Required columns in workbooks

Indio now allows agents to mark certain columns as required in workbooks sent to clients, in order to ensure they get complete information back from clients.

To learn more, check out this article: Schedule Templates - Allow required columns in workbooks

New: Adding Agency License Number to your Agency Profile

Agents are finding more and more states imposing new requirements around adding insurance license number on all emails to clients.

The great state of California will now require (effective January 1, 2023) that insurance agents include their insurance license number along with the Agency License number on all emails that go out to their clients. The agent's email signatures should include both the individual license number as well as the agency license number (full notice is available here).

For agents to stay compliant, agent admin can now add the agency License Number to the Agency profile.

Indio 2023-02-21 at 2.12.22 PM

Indio 2023-02-21 at 2.17.07 PM

February 13, 2023

New: Submissions List Enhancements -- New capabilities to simplify access to work in progress for your data collection submissions.

These features have been added to the Submissions List:

  • Overflow menu is available for each submission -- There is no need to go to a Submission page. You can click on the 3 dots to access the overflow menu for the specific Submission from the Submission Lists.

  • "Mark a Submission as Complete" replaces "Move to Recently Completed"

    • A Submission is automatically completed 30 days after the Effective Date

    • This list now only shows Active Submissions. Completed submissions appear on Submissions Overview for an Account, not on this page (see next screenshot below).

  • Access & Visibility Status for each submission can be edited from this page

  • Filter the list on Opportunity Type, Account Type, Region, or Data Collection step

  • Last Activity Date for a submission shows the last activity by a client

  • Data Collection has a different color for each step.

    • Data Collection is "Completed" when your client has submitted all the requests for a submission (using the Client Portal)

To learn more, check out this article: Submissions List.

New: Agent's landing page is the Submissions List (previously was the Accounts List)

After logging in to Indio, an agent lands on the Submissions List (rather than the Accounts List). Of course, the Accounts List is still available in the header bar at the top of each page.

The Agent's landing page is set under Admin, Agency Settings. This defaults to the Submissions List but can be changed back to the Accounts List. To learn more, check out this article: Brokerage Profile for Admins.

New: Submissions Overview for an Account is in the same format as Submissions List

  • Submissions are listed by status: Active, Completed, or Archived

    • A Submission is automatically completed 30 days after the Effective Date

    • Use "Mark a Submission as Complete" to manually set a submission as completed

  • To renew a submission, it must be marked as completed. Active submissions do NOT have a renew option.

  • Overflow menu provides the necessary options based on the Submission Status.

  • Access & Visibility Status for each submission can be edited from this page

  • Data Collection step is "Completed" when your client has submitted all the requests for a submission (using the Client Portal).

To learn more, check out this article: Submissions List.

New: Submission Details page shows submission status and data collection step

  • Submission Status appears under the Submission Title

    • A Submission is automatically completed 30 days after the Effective Date

    • Use "Mark a Submission as Complete" to manually set a submission as completed

  • Data Collection step appears under the Data Collection tab

    • Data Collection step is "Completed" when your client has submitted all the requests for a submission (using the Client Portal)

  • Access & Visibility Status appears under the Data Collection tab, too.

  • To renew a submission, it must be marked as completed. Active submissions do NOT have a renew option.

To learn more, check out this article: Submissions List.

New: Improve User Interface on Repeatables

Indio now forces the client/insured to view all of the column fields within the “repeatable” section of a form via the table view by scrolling all the way to the right of the screen and all the way to the bottom of the screen.

To learn more, check out this article: Improve User Interface on Repeatables

January 30, 2023

New: Improved user experience with optimal search filter in Form Library

Form library now has an option to filter forms based on the Country with additional filter by Country for Agents.This reduces effort and time taken to find the right form they need, download or send to their client, and move on with their other tasks.

Indio 2023-02-02 at 9.50.42 AM

January 16, 2023

New: Support for Canadian French Language

Indio now supports Canadian French language along with Canadian English for the agents and insureds to choose from in the Indio platform. Using the multi-language feature, agencies can now display the user interface elements in the Canadian French or English language for their Canadian customers/Insureds and agents/brokers.

Indio 2023-01-12 at 1.04.28 PM
Indio 2023-01-12 at 1.05.44 PM

To learn more, check out this article: Multi-Language Feature

New: Adding Agent Insurance License # to your Email Signature

Agents are finding more and more states imposing new requirements around adding insurance license number on all emails to clients.

The great state of California will now require (effective January 1, 2023) that insurance agents include their insurance license number on all emails that go out to their clients. The agent's email signatures should include both the individual license number as well as the agency license number (full notice is available here).

For agents to stay compliant, one can now add their individual agent insurance license # to your email signature in Indio.

Indio 2023-01-09 at 3.17.34 PM

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