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Release Highlights from 2020-2022
Release Highlights from 2020-2022
Jamie Taylor avatar
Written by Jamie Taylor
Updated over a week ago

December 14, 2022

New: Schedule Templates - Enable cells with dropdown validation

Indio now allows agents to make certain columns on a schedule into a dropdown list of acceptable values which the insured is able to select.

To learn more, check out this article: Schedule Templates: Enable Cells With Dropdown Validation

Bugs + Other Enhancements

  • Resolved several intermittent issues with Submission List: Sort on Effective date is now sorting properly, sorting by effective dates no longer displays duplicate submissions, filter on My Submissions does not show submissions for other agents, and switching the filter on agents no longer reverts back to "My Submissions" (ATX-3334).

  • Update Logic Handling Soft-Delete of ResponseRows on Schedule Import to Populate a "removed_date" on Related SubmissionFormResponseRows (SF-3374).

November 14, 2022

New: Epic view of Indio Submissions List for an Account

In Indio, a list of submissions for an Account can be viewed by searching on the name of the Account on the Submissions List.

An agent who is an Assigned Agent for an Account can view the same list of submissions in Epic under Quotes, Indio Submissions.

Under the Actions options for a submission row, the view option provides a quick link from Epic into the Submissions detail page in Indio.

October 31, 2022

New: Schedule Templates - Column Filters Within Schedules

Indio now allows agents and clients to filter columns in schedules based on values in a column (similar to the search filter functionality within Excel).

To learn more, check out this article: Schedule Templates: Column Filters Within Schedules

New: Introducing the new ‘Optional Permissions’ that allows enterprise brokerages to assign additional permissions to ‘Standard Agent’ user type. These optional permissions allow you to have more granular control over account access permissions for the 'Standard Agent' user type.

Note: This feature is only available upon request. When enabled the existing 'Employee' agent type users will be by default mapped to the 'Standard Agent' user type with Assigned Accounts access, existing 'Manager' agent type users to 'Standard Agent' user type with Regional Accounts access and Admin agent type to 'Enterprise Admin' user type with Agency access, with an option to change the default settings.

To learn more, check out these articles: New Granular Account Access Permissions

Bugs + Other Enhancements

  • Standard Agents can now be assigned with additional optional permissions similar to that of an Enterprise Admin for better collaboration/handoffs and enhanced flexibility (PDL-174).

  • If a form or policy type is renamed for a submission, the new form or policy type name is used when renewing a submission in the future.

  • When a Document Upload Request or a Document Review Request is completed by an insured, the assigned agent(s) for an account receive notifications. If the agent who created the request is not an assigned agent, the creator does not receive a notification.

October 17, 2022

New: Schedule Templates - Change Workbook Order

Indio now allows agents to manually reorder schedule workbooks so that they may organize schedules in a way that is more convenient or intuitive to their personal preferences.

This can be done one of two ways:

  • Via Drag & Drop

  • Via Reorder Interface

Drag & Drop

Reorder Interface

To learn more, check out this article: Schedule Templates: Change Schedule Workbook Order

New: Multi-Language Feature

Admin users can now select/manage the languages for the agents and insureds to choose from in the Indio platform. Using this feature will allow the user to have a personalized experience, with effective localization. Agencies can now display the user interface elements in the locale specific to that of the insured.

To learn more, check out this article: Multi-Language Feature

October 7, 2022

New: Submission access permissions for Client Contact users

Access Groups have been added to provide more options for controlling data access and permissions given to client contact users. Agents can now provide their client contacts the extra permissions they need without giving them access to the data they don't need. The following scenarios are supported:

  • Full Access: Client Contact has access to all forms and schedules for a submission.

    • Fill out forms and schedules and sign and submit

  • Limited Access: Client Contact only has access to forms, schedules, and documents that are explicitly shared with the user. Options are available for allowing a user to:

    • Fill out forms and schedules but NOT sign and submit

    • Fill out forms and schedules and sign and submit

  • View Only Access: Client Contact only has access to forms, schedules, and documents that are explicitly shared with the user.

    • Cannot fill out forms and schedules but can sign and submit.

There are separate permissions for access to forms and schedules. So, Client Contact users can be given access to forms only, schedules only, or both forms and schedules.

There is also a permission option for access to documents on the Document tab for an Account.

Here is an example of permissions for a Limited Access User. A client contact is assigned to an access group with a base set of permissions. A user assigned to the limited access group or view only access group can have additional permissions added to the base permission set, like signing and submitting a form.

To learn more, check out this article: Client Contact Permissions.

New: Schedule Templates - show and hide decimals on currency fields

Indio now allows both agents and clients to show and hide decimals on currency fields within a schedule template.

September 19, 2022

New: Microsoft Exchange/Outlook Changes

Notice for all email integration users: Effective October 1st, all Indio Outlook/Exchange integrations are required to reauthenticate to continue functioning. This is a result of Microsoft’s deprecation of basic authentication. If you do not reauthenticate, your emails through Indio will no longer come from your email address.

NOTE: This will not affect personal accounts such as Gmail or Outlook.

See instructions here for Service and Non-Service Account.

During Microsoft's deprecation on October 1st, existing Basic Authentication sessions will be deactivated by Microsoft. Indio's integration responds to this deactivation by deactivating the email integration for the broker (or brokerage if it's a service account)

Bugs + Enhancements

  • Two integrity checks need to be run in order: NotRectangularTitleTable, InvalidColumnWidths (PL2-515)

  • SSO > Add Optional Permissions to broker attribute updates (ATX2-1391)

September 5, 2022

New: Submission List Download Data to Excel

The Submissions list now has an option to export the data to an Excel spreadsheet. To learn more, check out this article: Submissions List - Export Submission List Data to Excel.

New: Submissions Details Report

Admins can view a Looker report with a list of submissions under Reports, Agent Reports. This report can also be downloaded to an Excel spreadsheet.

How is the Looker Submission Details Report different from the Submissions list?

  • The Submission list filters based on Due Date and has separate tabs for active vs. recently completed submissions.

  • The Looker Submission Details Report filters based on submission created date and includes all the submissions across all accounts regardless of submission status.

New: Digital Send to Market - Required Fields for Repeatable Rows

When using Digital Send to Market, form field validation now covers fields that are repeatable in a row of data. For example, the ACORD 125 has multiple fields for each client contact and there can be multiple client contacts on the form.

  • For each repeatable row, all the required fields must be entered.

  • At least one set of fields for a repeatable row is required

To learn more, check out this article: Sending Digital Submissions to a Carrier.

New: Digital Send to Market - Required Form Attachments Based on LOB

When using Digital Send to Market, the required forms for each LOB for the submission must be attached.

  • The required forms must be included in the data collection submission:

  • The required forms must be attached to the Send to Market submission:

To learn more, check out this article: Sending Digital Submissions to a Carrier.

Bugs + Enhancements

  • Resolved a problem with Excel attachments for Digital send to market submissions. Hub reported that the Excel atttachments sent to Travelers for a submission were not received. The actual problem was the attachment files were received but corrupted. Apparently, this is due to an update to the IVANS API. This has been resolved by reverting back to the previous version of the IVANS API that works correctly (SF-3232).

July 25, 2022

New: The Submissions list shows submissions that are currently active (work in progress) or recently completed. Navigate to this list from the new Submissions link at the top of each web page.

The Active tab shows each submission that is actively being worked on in Indio. The Recently Completed tab shows submissions that are past the Effective Date or that an Agent has move from the Active tab.

To learn more, check out this article: Submissions List.

New: Schedules on a renewed submission have an option for viewing schedule changes. You can view changes made since the submission was sent to the client or since the renewal was created.

To learn more, check out this article: View Schedule Changes - Renewed Submissions.

July 11, 2022

New: Archive and unarchive a submission (instead of delete a submission with no undelete)

A data collection submission that is no longer needed can be archived. There is also an option to unarchive a submission that was archived by accident. The archive option replaces the delete option that was previously available for a submission.

To learn more, check out this article: Archive a Submission

New: Options to send a submission to a client are disabled if an account has no active assigned agents.

If there are no active agents for an account, then a warning message is displayed and the buttons for the Send to Client and Copy Client Portal Link options are disabled.

To learn more, check out this article: Assigned Agent is Needed for a Submission.

New: Epic Servicing Role for an Agent is shown on Submissions page

When importing information on a broker from Epic, Indio imports the servicing role for an Account in Epic. This role now appears under an agent's name on the Submission page.

New: Move the totals column within an Indio schedule and download the totals column to a spreadsheet.

The totals column acts like other columns in a schedule. It can be hidden/shown, moved, or renamed. In addition, the columns that are summed are highlighted by clicking on a total column cell.

Also, the total column is included in a downloaded spreadsheet file.

New: View Schedule Changes is available for clients in the Client Portal.

This shows the same information about additions, edits, and deletions as the agent's version of View Schedule Changes.

To learn more, check out this article: View Schedule Changes.

New: Granular account access permissions for managing your agency’s users.

The new user types and account access levels allows you to have more granular control over account access permissions for each of the user types. This feature is only available upon request.

To learn more, check out this article: New Granular Account Access Permissions

June 14, 2022

New: Agents can ask clients to review documents as well as upload a revised version of a document for a submission.

To learn more, check out this article: Document Review Requests.

In the Client Portal, clients can review documents uploaded by an Agent on the Document Review Request page. Clients can also upload a revised version of the document if necessary. All of these documents also appear under the Documents tab for an Account.

May 16, 2022

New: A history list of client activities now provides more info and links to quickly preview a document, navigate to the data collection page for a submission, or navigate to a document request in a submission. This is available for both the Account Activity list and the Activity list for an Account.

To learn more, check out this article: Account Activity History.

May 4, 2022

New: Download changes for all schedules in a submission to a single PDF. This is available for both the change summary and the change history formats.

To learn more, check out this article: View Schedule Changes.

April 4, 2022

New: Improved the usability of View Changes for Schedules for an Agent.

To learn more, check out this article: View Schedule Changes.

New: Give agents the ability to add a ‘Need by Date’ to the submission, which allows the carrier underwriters to know when the agent needs quotes back by a certain date.

To learn more about sending Digital Submissions to a Carrier, check out this article: Sending Digital Submissions to a Carrier.

Note - ‘Need by Date’ field is present in the “Additional Information” Download.

March 8, 2022

New: Agents can ask clients to upload documents for a submission.

To learn more, check out this article: Document Upload Requests.

Documents uploaded by a client can be viewed or downloaded from the Document Upload Request page. These documents also appear under the Documents tab for an Account.

February 21, 2022

New: Agents now have the ability to send submission updates to multiple markets at the same time. To learn more, check out this article: How to send a submission update to multiple markets at once

To send an update to multiple markets, select one or more submissions.

December 13, 2021

New: Agents and Insureds can both see the e-signature requests associated with a submission on the main submissions page, as well as on the E-signature tab.

Agent ability to add and view E-signature request for a submission:

When an e-signature request is added by an Agent, the workflow for adding signature fields and signers is the same. However, when an e-signature request is associated with a submission then there are no options for Signature Request Expiration and Send Email Reminders to Signees. These options are determined by the submission request. The expiration date and reminder options are prompted for only if an e-signature is NOT associated with a submission.

Insured view of E-signature request on Requests (formerly Applications) page for a submission:

New: Allow agents to turn off specific notification emails of their choosing.

November 2, 2021

New: Updates to a marketing submission now live on the original marketing card

Instead of updates to a marketing submission creating a new marketing card, updates now live on the original marketing card so you can see all your activity for a market in one spot. Updates appear in the activity timeline so you can easily track exactly what’s occurred for each marketing submission.

October 25, 2021

New: Integration between CRS24 & Indio

With CSR24 and Indio, your clients can now navigate directly from their CSR24 portal to their Indio submissions & applications without the need to re-authenticate with Indio.

September 20, 2021

New: Agency-level Email Integration

Admins now have the ability to enable and manage Indio's email integration for all their organization's users. Using a service account from your email provider, you can enable the integration for all agents or a specific subset of agents in Indio.

Admins can navigate to Admin > Integrations > Email Integration to get started

August 23, 2021

New: Manage Notifications at the Submission Level

Only receive notifications for the submissions you care about.

Agents can now choose to turn off notifications for any given submission, giving them more control over what notifications they receive. If an agent is assigned to a submission, they now have the ability to choose whether or not to receive notification emails about that submission.

Click “Manage Agent Notifications” on any submission to get started.

July 26, 2021

New: IVANS Market Appetite inside Indio Submissions

Indio's new integration with IVANS allows agents to explore Market Appetite and choose carriers with higher interest in underwriting a policy based on industry, line(s) of business and geographic location(s).

IVANS searches by commercial risk and immediately presents you with a list of insurers, MGAs and wholesalers with an appetite for your specific risk.

Save time searching, expand your reach, and get the right information from your clients the first time with IVANS Market Appetite.

June 28, 2021

New: Adding a Note to a Schedule

Indio now gives agents the ability to add a note to a schedule that will be prominently displayed to their clients when they go to fill it out.

Help your client fill out a schedule by providing guidance conveniently shown at the top of the schedule in Indio. It’s easy for agents to add or edit notes on schedules. Click here to learn more.

New: Enable Smart Reminders by Default

Brokerages can now enable Smart Reminders by default for their agents when sending submissions to clients. Brokerages can also set the default timing selection of the Smart Reminders, choosing between High, Moderate, or Low. If enabled, Agents will be able to uncheck "Sent Smart Reminders" when sending a submission to a client if they wish, but it will be checked by default.

Please contact your CSM or the Indio Support Team to enable Smart Reminders by default for your brokerage.

June 7, 2021

New: Marketing analytics now available under the Admin feature: Agent Reports.

With the addition of our Send to Market feature, Indio now has the ability for Admins to pull a report for not only how many submissions have been created, but also the details of those submissions.

By clicking the number of Marketing Submissions created, admins can see how many times submissions were sent to specific carriers, what Line of Business was requested, and the resulting status of the submission (Quoted, Bound, Declined).

May 31, 2021

New: Customize the timing of your Smart Reminders.

If you check the box labeled "Send smart reminders to client" Indio will send automated reminders to your users via email, now at the timing you prefer, from High Frequency to Low Frequency.

The below table outlines the differences between the High, Moderate, and Low Frequency options.

Days from Due Date

Email Type Sent




More than 60 Days

"Light Touch" Tone

Every 2 Weeks

Every 3 Weeks

Every 4 Weeks

30-60 Days

"Light Touch" Tone

Every Week

Every Week

Every Week

7-30 Days

"Medium Touch" Tone

Every 3 Days

Every Week

Every Week

Less than 7 Days

"Urgent" Tone

Every Day

Every 3 Days

Every Week

After Due Date

Past Deadline Tone

Every Day

Every 3 Days

Every Week

Learn more about the new smart reminder customization here.

April 5, 2021

New: Export attachments to Accounts in Epic from Documents tab in Indio

(Available to customers on Epic 2020 MU3 and with SDK license)

Indio now allows exporting attachments from the Documents tab to an Account in Epic. Now both the systems can maintain a copy of the attachment, without the agent manually uploading it inside Epic.

This is another step in the path of making the exchange of data between Indio and Applied Epic automated, more robust, and seamless. Learn more about how this feature works.

New: Inclusion of policy data import/export in the setup flow

(Available to customers on Epic 2020 MU3 and with two-way SDK license)

Indio has evolved the submission renewal workflow to include the ability to import policy data directly from Epic while creating the submission. This saves time and adds convenience by having this updated information right at your fingertips and in the context of the submission creation.

Click here to learn more about the policy data import/export capability in the setup flow

March 22, 2021

New: Automatically create an activity in Epic for submissions sent to market from Indio

(Available to customers on Epic 2021.1 and with SDK license.)

Indio now exports an activity to Epic, each time a submission is sent to market (using the Send to Market feature). Both Indio and Epic can maintain a record of the Indio event, without the agent manually updating it inside Epic.

This is another step in the path of making the exchange of data between Indio and Applied Epic automated, more robust, and seamless. Learn more about how this feature works.

March 8, 2021

New: Marketing Tracker

New: Send to Carrier is now available for all US customers!

Indio makes it easy to send marketing submissions to the carriers of your choosing right from within the platform and the Marketing Tracker is where a record of all of those submissions live.

Navigating into a specific submission on a client account agents will now see two tabs: One for Data Collection and the other for Marketing. Click on the tab labeled Marketing. If you have not previously marketed this submission to carriers through Indio, you will see a screen with just one option, Send to Market.

Once you have sent a submission to one or more markets through Indio you will see a list of the carriers you marketed the submission to, sorted alphabetically.

You can click on a row to expand it and, using the tabs, view details of the submission, the attachments that were included, and any activity related to that submission.

You can use the overflow menu to download a copy for your records or send a copy of the submission to another market.

  • Click here to learn more about the Marketing Tracker

  • Click here to learn more about Send to Carrier

  • Click here to learn more about the Data Collection Tab in Submission

January 25, 2021

New: Change Summary Screen and Improved Import and Export flow with Epic

(Available to customers on Epic SDK)

We’ve made some improvements to the way data can be moved between Indio and Epic, such that it makes it easier to use and more transparent so you know what is going to change before you submit the import or export.

When importing or exporting data between Indio and Epic, you will now see a summary of the changes and be able to view all the details of the import or export.

This will help you assure the right data is going to the right place and correct any errors beforehand. [Learn more about how this works and other improvements we’ve made to the feature.]

This is part of Indio’s ongoing improvements to the integration with Epic. We continue to make it easier to keep both systems up to date and eliminate unnecessary rekeying of data.

January 11, 2021

New: Support for sending large marketing submissions with Indio's Send to Carrier

When sending a marketing submission using Indio's Send to Carrier feature, if the collective size of the attachments exceeds 10MB, Indio now automatically breaks your submission into multiple emails to ensure that it can be successfully delivered, regardless of the recipient's email provider. If your submission exceeds 10MB, you will see a message appear that reads "Due to the size of this submission it will be delivered using more than one email message."

Each email will have a prefix added in the subject line denoting that it is part of the same submission, such as "(1 of 2)" and "(2 of 2)". The body of each email will be the same with the attachments distributed between the multiple emails.

November 16, 2020

Currently only available to Applied Epic users

Indio makes it easy to send marketing submissions to the carriers of your choosing right from within the platform. Market your submission in three easy steps to quickly and efficiently send the same submission to multiple carriers.

How It Works:

1. On the submission tab of a client account, click the Send button for the submission you want to send and choose to Send to Carriers.

2. On Step 1, add attachments to your submission from the available forms, schedules, and documents already in Indio, or upload a file to attach from your computer.

3. On Step 2, select your carrier, add your recipients, and draft an optional narrative.

If you do not see the carrier you want to send to in the Carrier list, simply choose "Other" and type in the Carrier's name in the "Carrier Name" field that appears.

The first time you send a Carrier a submission you will need to manually enter the Recipient's email address. The next time you send a submission to that carrier the Recipients field will autofill with the email address(es) you sent to previously. Click the “x” on the email address to remove any recipients you don’t want to include in your submission.

Checking the "Send a copy to all assigned agents" box adds all the assigned agents on the account to BCC so they will receive a copy of the submission.

The "Send me a copy" box is checked by default to ensure you receive a BCC of the submission for your records. You may uncheck the box if you do not wish to receive a copy, but we recommend leaving it checked so you have a copy for your records.

The subject line is auto-filled based on your brokerage name and the client name, but you can customize it however you wish.

4. Review your submission to confirm everything looks correct before clicking Send to Carrier.

If you have your Email Signature setup, it will be included in your email. If you have Email Integration enabled, then the submission email will be sent from your email address.

5. Click Send to Carrier on the final confirmation modal.

6. Success! You can easily market the submission to another carrier by clicking the blue Send a Copy to Another Carrier button.

7. Each time you send a marketing submission through Send to Carrier, an activity will be generated in Indio.

October 19, 2020

New: Indio's email integration with Microsoft Office 365, Outlook, Exchange, and Gmail

Indio’s email integrations with Microsoft Office 365, Outlook, Exchange, and Gmail, enables you to send emails to your insureds from within the Indio platform using your business email account.

What this means for your business:

  • Improve trust and credibility with your customers as a result of emails coming directly from your business email address and minimizing potential “Spam” concerns.

  • Streamline your workflow as all outgoing emails to your insureds sent from within Indio will now appear in your Microsoft Office 365, Outlook, Exchange or Gmail “Sent” folder.

To learn more, we have put together a Help Center dedicated to information on Indio's email integrations with Microsoft Office 365, Outlook, Exchange, or Gmail "Sent" folder.

May 18, 2020

New: Alert when a numerical field in form changes by 10%

When using View Changes on a form, you will now see an indicator if a numerical field has increased or decreased by 10% or more.

May 4, 2020

New: Profiles for Agents

Agents can create a profile for themselves in Indio to show their picture, certifications, and contact information. This will help you bring your face and brand to the client experience.

New: Brokerage Profile

The new Brokerage Profile brings better settings for agency branding. Admin users can manage their brokerage name, website, and logo as they appear on Indio. Brokerage Profile is found under the Profile Settings menu item.

April 20, 2020

New: Form Library

We have improved the Form Library so that it's easier for you to search and preview all of Indio's digitized forms. We have also improved the process of adding forms to a submission.

April 6, 2020

New: Importing Named Insured Scheduled to Indio

You can now import Named Insured schedules from all three Agency Management Systems we support with integrations – Epic, AMS 360, and Sagitta.

Updated: Documents View

We made some tweaks to the Documents view of a Client account. This will change for both agents and clients.

  • Files such as PDFs, Word documents, Excel files, and PowerPoint files have icons that make it easier to see quickly what type of file the document is

  • Select multiple documents to download or delete

  • Clicking on a document name shows a preview of the document

  • Delete and Rename functions are now under the overflow ("...") menu

March 9, 2020

Our March release brings new features to make it easier for you to manage submissions and give you more information in Indio without having to toggle back to your AMS.

New: Submission Locking and Hiding

New: Policy Headers

  • For brokerages with an AMS integration, agents will see a new Policies section in Client Details that shows a read-only view of all the policies under that account grouped by active and expired.

  • Note: This feature requires your agency admin to first configure the line of business filter on the integrations settings page. If you have any AMS integration and do not see the Policies tab, contact your agency admin.

  • Agents can choose to let clients also view their policy information in the client portal by turning on the Client can view policies switch. This is set to "off" by default.

Updated: New Verification Mode Option

  • A new "on by default" option for Verification Mode gives agencies the ability to have verification mode automatically enabled for any form added to a submission.

  • This brokerage setting can be adjusted for you by your CSM.

The options available are:

  • OFF: Verification mode defaults to off for all forms added to a submission.

  • ON by default: Verification mode is defaulted to on for any form added to a new or renewed submission.

  • ON only for renewal submissions: Verification mode is defaulted to on for any form pulled in from a renewed submission. Any forms added to a non-renewal submission or added to a renewed submission will default to verification mode off.

Form Toolbar Changes

  • The Verification toggle for forms was moved from the overflow menu to the toolbar to make it more accessible.

  • The Download Attachments function is now in the overflow menu.

February 15, 2020

As a modern software company, we know the value of being responsive to our customers and updating the product frequently. We currently send out a new version (a "release") every two weeks. Most of the time these changes are small, even invisible, but sometimes they're quite significant and can fundamentally change the way parts of the product work.

We also know that having a tool that you rely on like Indio change so frequently can have its frustrations. To help mitigate that, we are moving our larger updates into one release each month. We will still continue to be responsive and ship smaller updates every two weeks, but we hope a more predictable cadence of major releases will be less disruptive.

February's release both changes the way some pieces of the application work and adds a few features many of you have been asking for.

Client List Replacing the Dashboard

  • The dashboard is replaced with a redesigned and improved client list page.

  • Client activities are just a click away and are also redesigned with improved readability, grouping by date, and the ability to search and filter the activities.

New: Viewing Changes to a Form

  • See how a form has changed from the beginning of the submission (or last year) and when your client submits it.

  • To access this feature, click the View Form Changes button in the toolbar of any form screen:

New: Multiple Documents in E-Signature!

  • Finally, you can add more than one document when sending a signature request to your clients. Probably the most requested feature on the platform!

New: CSR24 Certificate Holders Schedule Import

  • We've add a special schedule mapped specifically to CSR24 certificate holders lists.

Client Details Screen Improvements

  • There are many small tweaks throughout the application to clean up the user interface and make it easier to use. Some features you use may have moved on the screen but otherwise the experience is the same.

  • The biggest change is to the flow to create a new client in Indio. This will now walk a user through the process rather than having all steps on one screen.

Other Fixes and Improvements

  • Check back here on Tuesday for a list of other small changes we'll fit into the release.

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